Coronary lengthening surgery: in what cases is it done?

The crown lengthening is included within the specialty of Conservative Dentistry .

It is an operation whose purpose is to contour the gum, and even the bone, which are around a tooth so that it is more exposed and can be treated.

With this article, we will clear all doubts about coronary lengthening, explaining in what cases it is recommended and what are its benefits.

What is coronary lengthening?

Before focusing on the usefulness of the intervention, we will describe what it consists of.

As its name suggests, it is a process that allows increasing the length of the crown.

It can be done in one or several teeth , depending on what has motivated the operation and the purpose of it.

The main objective of coronary lengthening is only restorative and is performed on the lower or posterior teeth, which are the least visible in our mouth.

In this way, dental aesthetics are prevented from being affected , since the procedure reduces the gums a few millimeters and would be unbalanced with respect to the rest of the teeth.

It should not be confused with other types of exclusively aesthetic procedures, such as gingivectomy , in which the gum of the patient is cut slightly so that the tooth is more exposed and the smile is perfected.

When is coronary lengthening surgery necessary?

The intervention is carried out when there is some damage that extends to the inside of the gum .

Generally, this operation is used when there is a deep caries or a fracture that has exceeded the gingival margin .

This surgery is also indicated when the point on which a crown should be placed is below the gum.


In the case of caries, filling by composite would not have a correct seal , and with the passage of time filtering would occur with its consequent secondary decay .

With coronary lengthening, the orthodontist manages to get to the part of the tooth that is damaged and eliminate decay .

The process can be complicated if the patient is going to perform a coronary lengthening in a tooth with endodontics .

Why is it more difficult? The person, in this case, has no sensibility in that piece, so he will not be able to appreciate the appearance of a caries under the gum.

This situation is especially serious, because we must not forget that the ultimate consequence of caries is, in the most severe cases, tooth loss.

Fracture of a tooth

If we have suffered a strong dental trauma , it is possible that it ends up breaking.

In these cases, it is necessary for the dentist to see the end of the fracture in order to reconstruct the tooth correctly.

As with seals, the material with which the tooth is reconstructed will not be completely closed if there is any hidden fissure inside the gum.

Placement of a crown

To ensure the correct attachment of a crown it is necessary that the prosthesis surround the healthy tooth completely.

This remaining (natural) tooth of the person must have a height of at least 1.5 millimeters to prevent the crown from falling.

Even if it rests on a pin, if you do not have this part of the healthy tooth, leaks will occur .

Benefits of coronary lengthening

The main advantage offered by coronary lengthening surgery is that it allows saving a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted and replaced with an implant.

As we have previously pointed out, the intervention is carried out when a restoration of the crown is necessary.

The coronary lengthening allows to remove and level the gums and bone in order to expose the tooth.

To ensure the correct sealing once the damage has been corrected (caries, fracture …), the periodontal tissue is adjusted so that there is at least one millimeter of healthy surface of the tooth outside the gum.

In addition, by increasing the length of the crown , the gum and bone are protected to prevent deterioration near the restoration.

The intervention

The first thing the periodontist does is remove the gum and lower the bone by the appropriate millimeters according to each case.

The entire bony surface is not reduced, but only in the area where coronary lengthening is necessary .

Once the damage has been corrected or the required intervention has been performed (seals, crown placement …), the gum is sutured .

How is the postoperative?

Coronary lengthening is a usual treatment in our clinic and, as we have explained previously, it is performed in most cases in the posterior part of the mouth .

The surgery is carried out by local anesthesia and lasts approximately between 20 and 25 minutes.

The patient will notice certain discomfort in the intervened area during the days following the intervention, so it is possible that the periodontist recommends the use of analgesics.

The postoperative period usually causes more pain if the coronary lengthening has been performed in areas of the lower arch.

In Ferrus&Bratos we will offer you a personalized treatment, and always carried out by a dentist specialized in his field .

In case you need a coronary lengthening, you will be attended by our periodontist professionals , who have the required technique to perform this type of surgery.

You can call us to arrange your appointment and we will give you a first diagnosis totally free.

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